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Game: MLB Slugfest 2003
Cheats & Hints:

Cheat codes:
Go to the match up screen the pusht indicated buttons to change the
icons, after press the D-pad to the indicated direction to
activate the cheat effect.

Log bat: B, B, B, B, Up

Wiffle bat: B, B, B, B, Right

Mace bat: B, B, B, B, Left

Rubber ball: X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y, B, B, Up

Softball: X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y, B, B, Down

Maximum speed: B, B, B, Left

Maximum power: Y, Y, Y, Left

Maximum batting: X, X, X, Left

Big heads: X, X, Right

Small heads: X, X, Left

Unlimited turbo: X, X, X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y, B, B, B, B, Down

Extra time after plays: X, Y, Y, B, B, B, Up

Tournament mode: X, Y, B, Down

No fatigue: X, X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y, B, B, B

No contact mode: X, X, X, X, Y, Y, Y, B, B, B

Rocket Park stadium: X, X, X, Y, Y, B, Up

Roman Coliseum stadium: X, X, X, Y, Y, Y, B, B, B, Up

Monument stadium: X, X, X, Y, Y, Y, B, B, B, Down

Pinto Team: X, X, Y, Right

Horse Team: X, X, Y, B, Right

Lion Team: X, X, Y, Y, Right

Eagle team: X, X, Y, B, B, Right

Todd McFarlane team: X, X, Y, Y, B, B, Right

Terry Fitzgerald team: X, X, X, Y, Y, Y, B, B, B, Right

See in-game hints:
Press X at the "Press Start" screen. When you see the high scores,
press X again.

More homeruns:
Enable the "Rubber ball", "Maximum batting", "Maximum speed" and
"Maximum power" codes

unlock Secret park:
Hit a homerun at Fenway Park.