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Game: James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire
Cheats & Hints:

Single-player unlockables:
Complete the following stages with the indicated ranks to
unlock power-ups, weapons and car:

Golden accuracy:
Finish the Bad Diplomacy stage and reach a gold rank.

Golden gun:
Finish the Trouble In Paradise stage with a gold rank.

Golden clip:
Finish the Cold Reception stage and reach a gold rank.

Golden grenade:
Finish the Night Of The Jackal stage and reach a gold rank.

Golden bullet:
Finish the Poseidon stage and reach a gold rank.

Golden armor:
Finish the Forbidden Depths stage and reach a gold rank.

Unlimited Golden gun ammo:
Finish the Evil Summit stage and reach a gold rank.

Unlimited car missiles:
Finish the Dangerous Pursuit stage and reach a gold rank.

Rapid fire:
Finish the Fire And Water stage and reach a gold rank.

Regenerative armor:
Finish the Mediterranean Crisis stage and reach a gold rank.

Lotus Esprit car:
Finish the Streets Of Bucharest stage and reach a gold rank.

Golden CH-6:
Finish the Precious Cargo stage with a gold rank.

Multi-player unlockables:
Complete the following stages with the indicated ranks to
unlock costumes, items and level in multi-player mode:

Calypso gun:
Finish the Fire And Water stage and reach a platinum
rank and all 007 icons.

Full arsenal:
Finish the Forbidden Depths stage and reach a platinum
rank and all 007 icons.

Gravity boots:
Finish the Bad Diplomacy stage and reach a platinum
rank and all 007 icons.

Viper gun:
Finish the Night Of The Jackal stage and reach a platinum
rank and all 007 icons.

Alpine guard costume:
Finish the Streets Of Bucharest stage and reach a platinum
rank and all 007 icons.

Cyclops Oil guard costume:
Finish the Poseidon stage and reach a platinum rank
and all 007 icons.

Poseidon guard costume:
Finish the Mediterranean Crisis stage and reach a platinum
rank and all 007 icons.

Carrier guard multi-player costume:
Finish the Evil Summit stage and reach a platinum rank
and all 007 icons.

Rocket Manor level:
Finish the Trouble In Paradise stage and reach a platinum
rank and all 007 icons.

Stealth Bond costume:
Finish the Dangerous Pursuit stage and reach a platinum
rank and all 007 icons.

Guard costume:
Finish the Cold Reception stage and reach a platinum
rank and all 007 icons.

Golden gun:
Finish the Precious Cargo stage with a platinum rank
and all 007 icons.