Game: Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Cheats & Hints:
Cheat codes:
Bonus $5,000
Push A, Y, A, Y, Black buttons during a game play to get
additional money. The sound will confirm the correct code entry.
Unlock Super primary weapon
Push B, X, A, B, Black buttons during a game play to unlock
super weapon. The sound will confirm the correct code entry.
Unlock All planes
Push Y, X, B, Y, Black buttons during a game play to get access
to all planes. The sound will confirm the correct code entry.
God mode:
Push Y, A, X, B, Black buttons during a game play to enable the
invincible mode. The sound will confirm the correct code entry.
Unlock Ultra Hard mode:
Push X, B, A, X, Black buttons during a game play to unlock
the ultra hard mode. The sound will confirm the correct code entry.
Bonus 10 tokens
Push X, B, X, B, Black buttons during a game play to get
ten tokens. The sound will confirm the correct code entry.
Get money, health, and ammunition easily:
Shoot down blimps or Zeppelins to receive money, health or
ammunition. Note: Only on those levels, which blimps or
Zeppelins that are not parts of the mission.
Split-S move:
Click Right-stick, press Left and Right-sticks Up.
Snap Turn move:
Click Right-stick, press Left-stick Up, Right-stick Down.
Snap Roll Right move:
Click Right-stick, press Left and Right-sticks Right, then release.
Snap Roll Left move:
Click Right-stick, press Left and Right-sticks Left, then release.
Power Climb move:
Click Right-stick, press Left-stick Down, Right-stick Up, then release.
Immelman move:
Click Right-stick, press Left and Right-sticks Down.
High Speed Yo-Yo move:
Click Right-stick, press Left-stick Down, Right-stick Up, Left-stick Up.
2x Snap Roll Right move:
Click Right-stick, hold Left and Right-sticks Right.
2x Snap Roll Left move:
Click Right-stick, hold Left and Right-sticks Left.
2x Barrel Roll Right move:
Click Right-stick, press Left-stick Right, Right-stick Left, then hold.
2x Barrel Roll Left move:
Click Right-stick, press Left-stick Left, Right-stick Right , then hold.
Barrel Roll Right move:
Click Right-stick, press Left-stick Right, Right-stick Left, then release.
Barrel Roll Left move:
Click Right-stick, press Left-stick Left, Right-stick Right, then release.
Back Stall Loop move:
Click Right-stick, press Left-stick Down, Right-stick Forward, Left-stick Down.
Arixo suprise:
When you first get to Arixo, fly west direction until you see a
landing strip by an outhouse. Land there for easter egg.