Game: Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
Cheats & Hints:
Unlockable: All Weapons:
If you're tired of earning gear the old fashioned way, input this code anytime while playing to unlock all weapons: hold Black and White and input RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN, UP, LEFT, LEFT.
Unlock Captain:
Win 8 Medals, reach 8430 Pts, and 65 PPH
Unlock Brigadier General:
Win 12 Medals, reach 19390 Pts and 85 PPH
Unlock Chief Warrant Officer:
Win 5 Medals, reach 3700 Pts and 50 PPH
Unlock Colonel Rank:
Win 11 Medals, reach 16070 Pts and 80 PPH
Get Corporal:
Acquire 70 Points and 15 PPH.