Game: Army Men: Sarges Heroes 2
Cheats & Hints:
Pause the game and press Square, Circle, R1, L1.
All Weapons with Full Ammunition:
Pause game and press Square, Circle, R1, L1, enter code again to refill ammunition.
Tin-Foil Uniform:
Enter "TNMN" NOTE:this is not armor although there is a resemblance.
All Levels:
Hold L1 + R1 + S, then hit up, Down, Left, Right. Note* enter this cheat at the main menu QUICKLY!
Level Passwords:
Level Name Password
2 Bridge fllngdwn
3 Fridge gtmlk
4 Freezer chllb
5 Inside Wall clsngn
6 Graveyard dgths
7 Castle frnknstn
8 Tan base bdbz
9 Revenge lbbck
10 Desk dskjb
11 Bed gtslp
12 Blue town smllvll
13 Cashier chrgt
14 Train ntbrt
15 Rockets ndglr
16 Pool Table fstnls
17 Pinball table whswzrd
GameShark Codes
All Weapons, Items, Movies, & Infinite Ammo
Includes Secret Weapons and Items
Super Sarge-Infinte Health and Armor