Game: Jackie Chan: Stuntmaster
Cheats & Hints:
Unlimited Amount of Lives:
When you get a free life on a level press Start and go to Exit Level. Then after you exit you will still have that free life. Go back to the level and get the free life again. Just keep reapeating the process until you get the amount of lives you want. (this works best on levels like one of the sewer levels where you can get the free life in the very beginning).
All Dragons:
At the screen were it says "Press Start" press L1, R2, L2, Square, X, X. It will make a sound to confirm.
All Levels:
At the screen were it says "Press Start Button" press L2, Square, Traingle, Circle, X, R2, R2. A sound effect will confirm .
Movie Theater:
Get 20 gold dragons to unlock the Jackie Chan movie theater or... At the Sreen were it says "Press Start Button" press Left, Right, R1, Circle, Square, Traingle, Traingle. Now at the bottom of the screen it will now say "Bonus Movie Press X"
GameShark Codes
Infinite Health 80128fb400c8
Extra Red Dragons d00e72300000