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Game: Jet Moto 2
Cheats & Hints:

Unlock All Tracks:
Go to the options screen and set Master difficulty plus 5 laps per race. Go to the one-player select screen, find Li'l Dave and press X. Next go back to the title screen and press Up, Down, Left, Right, R2, R1, L2, L1 within four seconds. Go back to the options screen and set the number of laps to three. Go back to the one-player select screen , find Wild Ride and press X. Go back to the title screen and press Up, Left, Down, Right, Square, R2, Circle, L2 within four seconds. Return to the options screen and set the difficulty to amateur, then turn Turbos off. Go to the one-player select screen, find Bomber and press X. Go back to the title screen and press Up, Down Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Right within four seconds. Now go back to the options screen and set the difficulty on Professional and turn Turbos on. Go back to the title screen and press R2, R1, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L2.

**NOTE: Not only will you unlock all the tracks, but you will also have access to all the tracks from Jet Moto 1!!! Pretty cool huh?!

Race as Enigma:
Go to the options screen and set the difficulty to master and six laps per race. Go to the title screen and press Left, Square, Down, Triangle, Right, O, L1, R1 within four seconds.

Haul Ass:
If you run out of turbos, simply hold Triangle to accelerate. The result is going at speeds of 100 mph instead of 60 mph even though you don't have turbos!

Waterfall Shortcut:
In the Slickrock Gorge level, drive past the second cave to where it's a little ways to the dry land and look for a hexagon shaped hole in the wall, use your turbo or use "Haul Ass" into the rock that's under it, you will shoot up in the air and throught the hexagon, there might be a glitch, but don't worry, follow the water over the waterfall and you'll end up on dry land!

Game Shark Codes

Infinite Turbo for:
Blade 8016DCBE 0006
Bomber 80174896 0006
Gadget 80171A5E 0006
Li'l Dave 8017BDEE 0006
Steele 801729C6 0006
Technician 8016EC26 0006
The Hun 8017392E 0006
The Max 8016FB8E 0006
Vampeera 8017OAF6 0006
Wild Ride 8016CD56 0006

Unlock Enigma 8016b0de 0001
8016b130 0001

All Courses Open 8016af06 0301
in Single Track