Game: Newman/Haas Racing
Cheats & Hints:
More Tracks:
Beat the Championship with Scott Pruett for two additional tracks.
Extra Tracks:
On the main menu, hold L1 + R1 for a second, then release, then press Left, Right(7x), Left(15x). You'll hear a crashing sound to confirm. Four new tracks will be available as well as all the challenges.
Turn Cars Into Double Decker Buses:
On the main menu, hold L1 + R1 for a second, then release, then press Left(3x), Right(15x), Left(3x), Right(11x), Left(14x), Right(5x), Left(25x). You'll hear a crashing sound to confirm. Now start a race and you'll be driving a double decker bus!
*Note: These may take a while to put in, but they're great fun when they work!!!