Game: Rally Cross 2
Cheats & Hints:
Start a new season and enter the following as your name...
PREVET Veteran level tracks and cars
PREPRO Pro level tracks and cars
PREALL All tracks and cars - This will not automatically unlock the
Vapor or Radia cars. This cheat also allows the game to start
at the last race of the pro season with a large lead. You do
not need to finish the race to become champion. This will unlock
the last two cars.
SISAO Oasis track
ELGNUJ Jungle track
FOSTER Little Woods track
NIVEK Frozen Trail track
MIT Dusty Road track
KCIN Rock Creek track
CIRE Dry Humps track
BSIRHC Hillside track
AIRFILLED Low gravity
LEADSHOT Original Rally Cross game physics
MOONEY Restore Rally Cross 2 game physics
INCORPOREAL Disable collision detection
Game Shark Codes
Bonus Cars & Tracks 80059BFE 0003
Always Place First 800721C0 0001
One Lap to Race 800606BE 0104