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Game: Steel Harbinger
Cheats & Hints:

All Weapons:
Pause the game and press X, Triangle, R2, Triangle, X, L2, R2, Down, L2, Square, Right. A beep will confirm correct code entry.
*Note: This code may only be enabled three times during the entire game.

Arctic Card:
Pause the game and press Up, Right, Triangle, Circle, Down, Left, X, Square. A beep will confirm correct code entry.
*Note: This code may only be enabled once per level.

Full Health:
While playing, pause the game and press L2, L2, R2, R2, Up, L1, Up, R1. A beep will confirm the code.
* Note: This code may only be enabled five times during the entire game.

Level Select:
Enter the following codes at the title screen.
Los Angeles:
Circle, Circle, R2, R2, Left, Right, Up, L2, L2, Triangle

Los Angeles 7:
Circle, Circle, L2, L2, Left, Right, Up, R2, R2, Triangle

Las Vegas:
Square, Square, L2, L1, Up, Down, R1, R2, Left, Right

Las Vegas 7:
Triangle, Triangle, L2, L1, Up, Down, R1, R2, Right, Left

San Francisco:
Circle, Square, L2, R1, Triangle, L1, R2, Down, Up, Left

L2, L1, R1, R2, Circle, Left, Left, Triangle, Right, Right

Circle, Circle, L1, R1, L2, R2, Left, Right, Triangle, Square

L1, R1, Square, Circle, R2, L2, Up, Triangle, Down, Down

Square, Square, Left, Left, Square, Circle, Circle, Up, Up, Square

Moon Base:
R1, R1, L2, R1, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Left, Right, R2.

M-16 Ammo:
Pause the game and press Down, Square, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Up, Right. A beep will confirm correct code entry. The M-16 will now have 999 rounds of ammunition.

Net Node Card:
Pause the game and press Left, Triangle. L2, Right, R1, Circle, R1, Down. A beep will confirm correct code entry.
* Note: This code may only be enabled three times during the entire game.

Rocket Ammo:
Pause the game and press Left, Left, L1, R2, Square, R1, Right, Right. A beep will confirm correct code entry.
* Note: This code may only be enabled five times during the entire game.

Pause the game and press Triangle, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, X Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Up, R1. A beep will confirm correct code entry.
* Note: This code may only be enabled three times during the entire game.

Teleport Credit:
Pause the game and press L1, R1(2), L2, R2, L2, Circle, Triangle. A beep will confirm correct code entry.
* Note: This code may only be enabled 100 times per level.

View Credits:
Press Square, Square, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Square at the main menu.

View FMV's:
Press L2, L2, R2, R2, L1, R1, Square, Circle, Up, Down at the main menu.
GameShark Codes

Infinite Health 8009A07C 03E8

Infinite Money 8003A0C0 270F

Infinite Weapon 80124576 03E7