Game: Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro
Cheats & Hints:
Master Code:
Enter AUNTMAY as a code to unlock all cheats.
Debug Mode:
Enter DRILHERE as a code.
Level Select:
Enter NONJYMNT as a code.
All Gallery Entries:
Enter DRKROOM as a code.
All Training Challenges:
Enter CEREBRA as a code.
Big Head Mode:
Enter ALIEN as a code.
Big Feet Mode:
Enter STACEYD as a code.
What if? Mode:
Enter VVISIONS as a code.
Programmer High Scores:
Enter VVHISCRS as a code.
Amazing Bag Man:
Beat the game two times under the normal difficulty setting.
Get Unlimited Lives:
Put in SUPERGOD for the code
All Costumes:
Enter WASHMCHN as a code.
Battle Wounded Spidey Costume:
Defeat Electro for the first time.
Ben Reilly Costume:
Beat the game two times under the normal difficulty setting.
Captain Universe Costume:
Beat the game two times under the normal difficulty setting.
Peter Parker Costume:
Beat the game two times under the normal difficulty setting.
Quick Change Spidey Costume:
Beat the game two times under the normal difficulty setting.
Scarlet Spidey Costume:
Beat the game two times under the normal difficulty setting.
Spider Phoenix Costume:
Beat the game under the hard difficulty setting.
Spider-Man 2099 Costume:
Beat the game two times under the normal difficulty setting.
Spidey Unlimited Costume:
Beat the game two times under the normal difficulty setting.
Symbiote Spider Costume:
Finish the game once in easy mode or any level.
Venom-Earth X Costume:
Beat the game under the normal difficulty setting.
What's Up Spidey:
When you enter WHASSUP as a cheat, Spidey will come on screen, punch the place were you enter the code, and a new word will come up like Balloon or Bunny