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Game: Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
Cheats & Hints:

To get the following codes to work, Lara must be facing abolute North. One way to do this is to find a block or ledge that's facing north and climb it. You can confirm this by checking your compass - the red side should be pointing North.

Now enter the following codes:
Level Skip:
Face North. Go to to the Inventory screen. Go to "load." Now hold L1, L2, R1, R2, Up, and press Triangle. Exit the Inventory screen to skip the level.

All weapons/ammo:
Face North. Go to the Inventory screen and select "small medipak." Now hold L1, L2, R1, R2, Up, and press Triangle. Exit the Inventory screen and reopen it to have every weapon.

All items on the level:
Face North. Go to the Inventory screen and select "large medipak." Now hold L1, L2, R1, R2, Down, and press Triangle. Exit the Inventory screen and reopen it. You should now have infinite amounts of every item.

Gameshark Codes

All Secrets Found 800b34160046

Infinite Air 800ac30e06b2

Have Pistols 300ac41400ff

Have Uzi 300ac41500ff

Have Shotgun 300ac41600ff

Have Crossbow 300ac41700ff
& LaserSight

Have Grenade Gun 300ac41800ff

Have Revolver 300ac41900ff
& LaserSight

Have LaserSight 300ac41a0001

Unlimited Small 800ac43cffff

Unlimited Large 800ac43effff

Unlimited Flares 800ac440ffff

Unlimited Uzi Ammo 800ac444ffff

Unlimited Revolver Ammo 800ac446ffff

Unlimited Normal 800ac448ffff
Shotgun Ammo

Unlimited Wideshot 800ac44affff
Shotgun Ammo

Unlimited Normal 800ac44cffff
Grenade Ammo

Unlimited Super 800ac44effff
Grenade Ammo

Unlimited Flash 800ac450ffff
Grenade Ammo

Unlimited Normal 800ac452ffff
Crossbow Ammo

Unlimited Poison 800ac454ffff
Crossbow Ammo

Unlimited Explosive 800ac456ffff
Crossbow Ammo

Spider Lara 800ac3060001
(Lara can climb almost any wall)