Game: Tomb Raider 2
Cheats & Hints:
All codes have been verified. If they don't work, try again - you'll eventually get it.
Blow up the Doll:
To make Lara explode, use the old PC level skip routine:
One walk forward, One walk backward, spin right three times, jump forward...boom.
Level Skip:
Sidestep left, sidestep right, sidestep left, step backward, step forward, spin two times, forwards jump turn.
Weapons Code:
Sidestep left, sidestep right, sidestep left, step backward, step forward, spin two times, backwards jump turn.
* To execute the 'spin two times' portion of the code, just stand still and press and hold left or right on the D-pad. Lara will turn around in place. Do this at least two full times, then finish the code.
* To jump turn, simply press the roll button (Circle) right after jumping. Lara will twist around and land safely - try it!
* Another way to jump turn is to simply press the D-pad in the opposite direction of the jump. (ie. for a jump back turn, jump backwards and press up in midair).
Stupid Butler:
Here is a pretty useless trick to get rid of the butler in Lara's home if his close-up face gives you the creeps. You can lock him up in the freezer room but I prefer secluding him in the basement. After activating the door switch located somewhere in the left area of the bushy maze outside, run back quickly into the basement before the door closes on you. Then from the inside activate the switch to reopen the door and lure the handsome butler downstairs. Once he's down there, go back up, activate the switch and immediately side flip your way out as the door is closing.
Blow up the Statues:
In the levels with the Xian statues you can defeat them while they are stone. Do this by simply detonating grenades on target or damn near close to them. When the damage is done the statues will vanish into thin air never to bother you again. I believe it's between 7 and 10 grenades. Just make sure you don't get too close and wake one of those hot tempered bad guys up! As you know this can save you from more than a couple of vicious battles. You lose some ammo, but there's always more ammo just not enough life....
Game Shark Codes
Infinite air 8008c4fe 0708
Infinite flares 80088aae 000a
Infinite pistol ammo 8008c5ac 00ff
Infinite grenades 8008c5bc 00ff
Infinite harpoons 8008c5b8 00ff
Infinite M16 ammo 8008c5c0 00ff
Infinite shotgun shells 8008c5b4 00ff
Infinite uzi 8008c5b0 00ff
All Items 80088aa0 000b
80088adc 80c8
80088ae0 8020
80088ae4 8218
80088ae8 850c
80088aec 8560
80088af0 811c
80088af4 8074
80088af8 8170
80088afc 826c
80088b00 81c4