Game: Who Wants to be a Millionare
Cheats & Hints:
Be Kathie Lee:
This is not much of a cheat but it is kind of funny. If you dont enter a name when Regis keeps asking you; the computer will automatically enter a name for you, like Kathie Lee, Gelman and others.
Regis Chooses:
At the Enter Your Name screen, type "Regis Philbin" as your name. He will say something like "What do you think this is, Who Wants To Be Regis Philbin?!!". After that, he will erase "Regis Philbin" and put in a wacky name such as "Fraud", "Fakey Fakerman", "Liar", or something crazy.
Get Kicked Off:
When it asks you "How many players there are?" don't press anything. Regis will get all upset with you after about 2 min.Then he will boot you off.
Hard Game:
Enter Will Valdez as a name for a harder game.