Game: Xenogears
Cheats & Hints:
View all Cinemas:
For this trick to work you must first have the Squaresoft Collectors demo 1 (came with Parasite Eve). At the main menu of the collectors demo, where you select what demo you want to see or play, open the Playstation and replace the demo with Xenogears disk 1 or 2. Play the Final Fantasy 8 demo (on the Xenogears disk) and the movies will begin to play.
Well Pun:
In Lahan if you go to the well and jump in you will get an item as
well as a Well Pun. You may do this several times.
200 Gold
If you check Fei's bed you will get 200 Gold!
Helpful Spider Web:
If you go into the storage room in Fei's house you will see a spider web. Jump and press X to get it. This can be used later in the game when you reach Shevat.
If you talk to the maid in Fei's house you will get a cool movie
Get Rare Items more Easily:
It is possible to beat Hammer before he self destructs, after you get the second Anima Relic. Save all your level 3 and Hyper Mode attacks until he turns red then let him have it. You will get an item called Traders Card. When equipped you will always get the rarest items when fighting enemies.
Adult Emerelda and Free Money:
After Shevat crashes to earth and all the continents are messed up, in about the middle there will be a fairly large fairly empty continent. However, there will be a lighthouse - go into it and Citan will say something then go in the door (bring Emerelda with you for something extra!). Once you're in the big city, just wander around until Fei says something like "we can get out of our gears and proceed on foot..." (he always says this by a door to a building). So do just that, get out of your gears and head into the light. In one of the rooms the "heroic" music will be playing and Big Joe will be standing there selling items and (exeptionally good) gear parts. There will be a few chests - take whats in em' and sell it to Big Joe. Then leave, come back and the chests will be there again. Take, sell, reapeat as necesary. For the extra thing with emerelda, in your wandering Fei will say "lets get out of our gears bla bla bla" and there won't be a door nearby. If you look closely at the ground you'll see a hole which you can go in. Go down the tunnels and you'll find yourself in a subway tunnel. Go in the train and examine the front of it to get a z-charger. Exit the train and head up the stairs. Proceed to the end of this room and watch the scene. Emerelda will grow into a full grown woman!
2 Player Mode:
Save your game before talking to Rue and finish talking and go to "Practice Mode". Press "Start" and go to "Standby" and change to "2 Player". Then fight (but you can not inflict any damage on each other).