Game: Army Men 3: Toys in Space
Cheats & Hints:
During play, press Backspace and type !throw me a frickin bone here. Now press Backspace and enter the following codes:
!captain scarlet God mode
!full monty God mode and all items
!its dark Hide all enemy troops on mini-map
!italian job Big explosion around Sarge
!cut to the chase Win scenario
!the meek Lose scenario
!door Teleport Sarge
!rate me Display frame rate
!let me down Sarge's health to almost 0
!halloween Enemy troops are zombies
!disco is dead Put out Sarge's fire
!haunt haunt haunt! 10 Explosives
!harsh language 20 Fly Swatters
!heavenly glory 3 AirStrikes
!one time... 3 Baseballs
!spiny norman 3 HammerMines
!this one goes to eleven 3 Napalm Strikes
!johnny ricco 3 Paratroopers
!peep show 3 Recons
!scotty 3 SpaceMen Reinforcements
!henry 30 Insecticide Spray
!sprinkles 30 Mines
!i woke up this morning 9 Blue Disguise
!incognito 9 Grey Disguise
!no sunblock 9 Tan Disguise
!oh behave Freeze enemies
!mojo Unfreeze enemies