Game: Cossacks: European Wars
Cheats & Hints:
Cheat Mode:
Press Enter, then type one of the following codes.
supervizor Toggle fog of war
money Additional resources
resources All resources
izmena Press [Keypad 1-9] to change players
multitvar Press P to access all units
www Activate supervizor, multitvar and izmena
victory Instant win
shield Unlimited cannon
gods Invincible units
(Note: If multivar or www code is used and you place the units that you want on the map, you need to press F9 so you can return to the normal click mode. When you press P it will bring up a list of all units available in that mission. Select the unit, then Left-click on the screen to place the unit. When you are done placing your units, press F9 to return to being able to Left-click to select the units.)