Game: Deer Hunter 4
Cheats & Hints:
Press F2 to bring up the cheat window. Type in the following cheats, then press F2 again.
dh4super Activate all cheats
dh4nofear Animals unafraid of you
dh4find Brings you to the nearst deer
dh4beacon Irresistible to animals
dh4sightin Gun sights
dh4beacon Irresistible to animals
dh4leadeye Bullet view
dh4monster Giant deer
dh4homegym Never tire
dh4plague No animals
dh4beacon Irresistible to animals
dh4playthedemon Demon deer!
dh4ice Snow
dh4water Rain
dh4thor Thunder
dh4zeus Lightning
dh4dry Clear weather