Game: Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
Cheats & Hints:
During play, press ~ to bring down the console. Now enter one of the following codes and press Enter to activate.
toggle g_p_god God mode
give all All weapons and items
give ammo All weapons
give jetpack Jet pack
give forcefield Force field
give life Extra life
give nuke 10 nukes
give health 100 ego
give secret Mark secrets
give bomb Spawn extra babe
pause Matrix-style pause
kill Commit suicide
Alternately, bring down the console, type exec cheats.cfg and press Enter. Close the console. Now during play, press the following keys to activate the cheats:
H Gives all ammo
J Gives jetpack
F Gives force field
L Gives extra-life
K Kill self
I Turns invincibility ON/OFF
P Developer's pause ("Matrix" mode)
- Small HUD
= Normal HUD
M Shows map name you are on