Game: Etherlords
Cheats & Hints:
Cheat Mode:
Press '~' to open the console. To enable the codes type in 'EtherRevelation'
exactly as it appears. Capitalization DOES matter. After that use the codes
Adventure Mode Codes:
open_fog -- Remove fog of war.
hide_fog -- Fog of war returns.
lose -- Lose mission.
win -- Win Mission.
save -- Quick save.
load -- Quick load.
player -- Info about players
give all -- Gives 15 of all resources except ether.
view resources -- Info about resources.
Combat Mode Codes:
lose -- Lose battle.
win -- Win battle.
spec -- Tells how many hero specializations out of 10000 have been successful.
view_hand -- Shows enemy hand.
hide_hand -- Hides enemy hand.
swap -- Swaps you and your enemy.
view army -- Info about your army.
view hand -- Info about your hand.
view players -- Info about combatant.
view spells -- Lists the 4 character code of all spells and creatures.
add spell **** -- Instantly adds a card defined by a 4 character code to your hand. Ex: 'add spell TIWR'
add creature ****-- Instantly adds a creature defined by a 4 character code to your army. Ex: 'add creature TIWR'
change health # -- Changes the amount of your hero's health. Ex:'change health 52'
change mana # -- Changes the amount of ether your hero has. Ex:'change mana 15'
change links # -- Changes the amount of ether links your hero has.Ex: 'change links 16'
change enemy... -- Change the same values for your enemy. Ex: 'changeenemy mana 0'