Game: Evil Genius
Cheats & Hints:
Cheat mode:
Enter 'humanzee' during play, then enter the following:
[Ctrl] + C - Get $100,000
[Ctrl] + A - Add units
[Ctrl] + O - Get every item
[Ctrl] + M or N - Global Chaos
[Ctrl] + T - Get every trap
[Ctrl] + S - Airstrike/Explosion
Alternative Cheat Mode:
At any time, hit CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + D release them, then press ~ before entering these codes:
fireinthedisco - Sets everyone ablaze
help - Displays the help screen
df_buildinstantobjects - Finish construction instantly
takeall - Removes all
giveall - Get all
unlockglossary - Get the glossary
setmaxpopulation - Set how many minions you have
(Note: The following cheats require you to edit game files. Remember to create back-up versions of any file you edit.)
Developer mode:
In the Evil Genius\DynamicResources\Config folder, open the Default.ksb file and add the line ToggleDebugCommands:Ctrl+D. Then, in the same folder, open the autoexec.con file and add the line DF_RedefineDebugShortcuts 1. During gameplay, press Ctrl and D at the same time, then enter the following.
CTRL + T - Instantly completes current training
CTRL + F - Immolates selected unit
D - Kills selected unit
Money X - Get X dollars
Press ~ to bring up the console, then enter the following:
DF_AgentsGoHome true Enemies and visitors leave island
DF_BuildInstantObjects true No build-time for objects
DF_BuildInstant true No build-time for rooms