Game: G-Nome
Cheats & Hints:
At the main screen type Ctrl-F1. That gives you a box to enter cheats.
A Scramble On -- captures wallpaper when Shft-Ctrl-Right click is used to take the file and save
Chaste Coed -- View the ending cut scene video
Dunk It Here -- Recording session outtakes
Horny Elk Leer -- Maximum Range Radar
O' Sarge -- Gives the training mission Sargeant an Irish accent.
Range Goes Gory -- All levels, and lots of other stuff
Redtop Trod -- Play any Mission
Rotted Drop -- Press Ctrl-F for heavy damage
Brass Clue -- Press Ctrl-Z for full ammunition
Had a Nude On -- Press Ctrl-I for invincibility
Half Libel -- Press Ctrl-B to teleport
Oh No! Less Japan --Press Ctrl-X for Ion Strike