Game: Grand Theft Auto
Cheats & Hints:
Enter the following at the Enter Name Screen.
nineinarow - All Levels and Cities
itsgallus - Same as Above
superwell - Same as Above
itcouldbeyou - Score increase by 999999999
suckmyrocket - All of the weapons, armor, and get out of jail card.
iamgarypenn - Enable Extra Offensive Language Mode
iamnotgarypenn - Disable Extra Offensive Language Mode
itstantrum - Unlimited lives
6031769 - Same as Above
heartofgold - View All Cutscenes
hatemachine - Multiplier x 10
iamthelaw - No police presence
stevesmates - Same as Above
porkcharsui - Debug
buckfast - Press * on the keypad for all weapons, again for reload!
callmenigel - Same as Above