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Game: Max Payne 2
Cheats & Hints:

To enable cheats, start the game using the -developer command line parameter. The easiest way to do this is to right click on your Max Payne 2 desktop shortcut and select Properties. Now in the target field, add the -developer line to the end so that it reads something like

"C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Max Payne 2\MaxPayne2.exe" -developer

Select 'Apply', then start the game as normal.

Now during play, press ~ to bring down the console and enter the following codes:

coder God mode, all weapons, inifinite ammo
god God mode
mortal Disable god mode
getallweapons All weapons
getbullettime Put player into bullettime
getberetta Beretta w/1000 ammo
getcoltcommando Colt Commando w/1000 ammo
getdeserteagle Desert Eagle w/1000 ammo
getdragunov Dragunov w/1000 ammo
getingram Inram w/1000 ammo
getkalashnikov Kalashnikov w/1000 ammo
getmolotov Molotov cocktail w/1000 ammo
getmp5 MP5 w/1000 ammo
getpumpshotgun Pump shotgun w/1000 ammo
getsawedshotgun Sawed-off shotgun w/1000 ammo
getsniper Sniper rifle w/1000 ammo
getstriker Striker gun w/1000 ammo
gethealth 1000 health
getpainkillers 1000 painkillers
jump10 Jump 10 high
jump20 Jump 20 high
jump30 Jump 30 high
getgraphicsnovelpart1 Fill in part of the story
getgraphicsnovelpart2 Fill in part of the story
getgraphicsnovelpart3 Fill in part of the story
showfps Show framerate
showextendedfps Sghow extended framerate
showhud Turn on HUD
help More debug commands
quit Quit game
clear Clear console screen
clr "" "" ""

Nude Mona:
Like above, change the command line parameter, but this time change it to:

"C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Max Payne 2\MaxPayne2.exe" -developerkeys

Start the game as usual. During play, press F11 to check out some player models. Use Page Up or Page Down to scroll through, and voila, nude mona.