Game: Men in Black
Cheats & Hints:
During the game press Esc to go to the main menu. Then type DOUGMATIC a few times until the menu drops back and you are in the game again.
The cheat mode will now be activated. Press Esc again to get the main menu to 'pop' up.
Now type:
AGENTJ - Become Agent J
AGENTK - Become Agent K
AGENTL - Become Agent L
AGENTX - Become Agent X
AMAZON - Goes to Amazon Level
ARCTIC - Goes to Arctic Level
FRALES - Goes to Frales Island
GIVEME - All weapons (it will not reload current weapons)
HEALME - Full health
HQ - Goes to HQ
KILLEM - Kills villains
LOADME - Unlimited ammo
MOVEME - Gives saved games of all levels
PROTECTME - Invulnerability
TEMPLE - Go to Amazon Temple