Game: Red Faction II
Cheats & Hints:
Master cheat:
At the Main Menu, select 'Extras' and 'Cheats'. Now enter YZWZYXWX or WWXXYZYZ to unlock all in-game cheats. During play, press Esc to access the cheat menu, then just activate whichever ones you want.
Individual cheats:
Alternately, you can enter one of the following codes at the 'Cheats' menu to unlock specific codes:
Y All weapons
X Explosive personality (press 'Use' to kill)
ZYXWYZXX Level select (at single-player menu)
YWXZYZXW Infinite ammo
ZYZYXXWW Rapid rails
YYYYYYYY Rain of fire
XXXXXXXX Walking dead
WWWWWWWW Wacky deaths
XXYWYWZ Super health
XXXXYZXX Gibby ammo
WZXYWZXY Gibby explosions
ZXZYXZXZ Unlimited grenades
YXZWZXYW Director's cut