Game: Sacrifice
Cheats & Hints:
From within the game, press CTRL + SHIFT + ~. This brings up a small text icon in the bottom left of the screen. Then, type ''@ '' (without the quotes, but WITH
the space) and any of the following cheats. Example: @ alliwantforxmasisa firefist
alliwantforxmasisa Summons one monster of the given type without using a soul.
aplethoraof Summons four monsters of the given type without using up souls.
bythepowerofgrayskull Full heal
ihavethepower Full mana
dontfearthereaper Gives you 32 (I think) souls
castratetheheathens Wizard can collect red spirits
gimmegimmegimme Gives the wizard a spell of the given type.
timeisonmyside Resets the spell timers
yourbulletscannotharmme The wizard (and only the wizard) is invincible
mywingsarelikeashieldofsteel Same as above
ragebuilding Levels you to level 9 and gives you all the spells and creatures accordingly (only in local multiplayer)