Game: The Sims 2
Cheats & Hints:
During play, bring up the console window by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C. Then enter one of the following case-sensitive codes.
help List cheats
Kaching +1,000 simoleons
moveObjects on Place objects anywhere
moveObjects off Normal object placement
aging off Sims won't age
aging on Sims will age
slowMotion (0-8) Change the game speed
motherlode +50,000 simoleons
sethour (1-23) Change the time
deleteAllCharacters In neighborhood view, deletes all sims
Debug mode:
Access the cheat menu and enter boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true. During play, hold Shift and click on a Sim to bring up the Debug menu.
Customize your sims:
Enter debug mode and go to Create-a-Sim. Before making a Sim, press Shift and N at the same time.