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Game: Star Wars: Rebellion
Cheats & Hints:

Build Ships Without Losing Energy:
If you need more fleets, but your systems read low or slots are out of available energy, change the location of the construction to a neutral system (it can be inhabited or uninhabited). The ship will still have a cost in maintenaince and refined points, but it will save energy.

See What They See:
While in a battle, highlight any ship and hit Tab to get first person view point of that ship.

How to keep Captured Characters From Escaping:
When capturing enemies, it's always best to gang up on them with several good "name" characters, like Han, Luke, Madine, etc. Use a decoy. Have some (usually 2-3) Infiltrators or Death Commandos standing by at your return base. When you're successful, transfer the prisoner with the Infiltrators/Commandos to the FURTHEST POSSIBLE BASE from where you are. Try picking a base with a big allotment of troop training facilities. Once the troops arrive (R2 will announce because the prisoner is a "character"), send them to another base you've set up on the opposite side of the galaxy. Try shooting for a base with similar qualities at least 100 days away. If you nab the Emperor or Vader, it might be worth your while to put at least 12 Infiltrators with them.