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Game: Total Annihilation
Cheats & Hints:

+atm     1000 metal and energy
+bigbrother     Units say different things when you move them
+cdstart     Starts cd
+cdstop     Stops cd
+clock     Shows game clock
+contour #     Shows 3D contour mesh # 1-5
+dither     Dithering instead of line of sight
+doubleshot     Twice the damage of all weapons
+halfshot     Half the damage of all weapons
+honk     Units honk sometimes when they stop
+ilose     You automatically lose
+iwin     You automatically win
+logo # (1-9)     Change your color at anytime of the game in skirmish mode.
+los     Toggles line of sight setting
+meteor     Hail of death stones from sky
+noenergy     Takes away your energy
+nometal     Takes away your metal
+noshake     Stop screen shaking for explosions
+nowisee     Full map and disables line of sight
+radar     100% radar coverage
+shadow     Toggles object shadowing
+sing     Units hum when you click on 'em
+showranges     Display ranges by holding Shift when the pointer is over the unit.
+mapping     Cover the screen in black.
+logo (1-9)     Change opponent color in skirmish.
+control #     Lets you to control a different skirmish AI.

Up to 10 Player Skirmish:
To add up to 10 AI opponents in Skirmish Mode, go to the skirmish set-up screen and type * plus a Roman numeral. For example; a 10 player skirmish would be *X (x being the roman numeral for 10). A 7 player skirmish would be *VII and so on.

Level Select:
In the screen where it says New Campaign, Skirmish, etc.(single player)...type in Drdeath to make a little bone appear near the bottom of the screen, below Load Game. Click on it to choose any level in the game!