Game: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Cheats & Hints:
Console codes:
Right click Bloodlines' short-cut, go to properties, and add -console to the end of the command line. Then apply, and run the game through the short-cut. While playing, press ~ and enter the following.
god God mode
giftxp X Gives X amount of XP
give_item_a_X Gives armor X
give_item_w_X Gives weapon X
freecasting Use disciplines for free
impulse 101 Every weapon, ammo, outfit
vstats get animalism 5 Max animalism
vstats get auspex 5 Max auspex
vstats get celerity 5 Max celerity
vstats get charisma 5 Max charisma
vstats get dementation 5 Max dementation
vstats get dexterity 5 Max dexterity
vstats get dominate 5 Max dominate
vstats get fortitude 5 Max fortitude
vstats get obfuscate 5 Max obfuscate
vstats get potence 5 Max potence
vstats get presence 5 Max presence
vstats get protean 5 Max protean
vstats get wits 5 Max wits
cmdlist cheat list
Endless attribute points:
Go to character creation, choose a clan, then spend points on your vampire's attributes. After that, go back to the clan select screen, choose the same clan, spend the points again, and again, and again.