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Game: Animal Crossing
Cheats & Hints:

Get the Golden Fishing Pole:
To get the fishing pole, catch one of every forty fish.

Getting the Golden Axe:
To get a golden axe in animal crossing. You will need to have the village in perfect condition for the any 2 weeks you are there. After the perfect 2 weeks are done you will get the golden axe as a present.
The Golden Axe Can not be broken. can chop down all trees, etc.

Golden bug net:
To get the golden bug net, catch one of every kind of bug.

Golden Shovel:
To get the Golden Shovel find a ''glowing spot'' and bury a normal shovel in the hole you dig. A golden sapling will appear. After it has matured you will have a Golden Shovel. When using this shovel you become more likely to dig up better items and larger sums of money from the ''glowing spots''.

Money Tree:
Find a glowing spot, and bury the money bag found from it in that hole. A sapling will appear there now, and within a few days, you'll have a tree you'll be able to shake money out of (money tree).