Game: Resident Evil 0
Cheats & Hints:
Get New Costumes:
Simply complete the game on Normal or Hard Mode, and you will find the Closet Key in Rebecca's inventory when you begin a new game. Take this to the room where you got the Hunting Gun and use it to get into a costume room.
What can you wear? Billy gets a suit and Rebecca gets either leather or cowgirl apparel. Gzrau.
Unlock Ending Bonuses:
Ending bonuses are unlocked by earning gameplay ranks, which are based on the amount of time it took for you to finish. The ranks and what they unlock are listed below:
D (9:01 or more): Leech Hunter and Closet Key.
C (7:01-9:00): Leech Hunter and Closet Key.
B (5:01-7:00): Leech Hunter and Closet Key.
A: (3:31-5:00): Submachine Gun, Leech Hunter, Closet Key.
S (3:30 or less): Rocket Launcher, Leech Hunter, Submachine gun, and Closet Key.
Unlock Extra Weapons for Leech Hunter:
Earning a rank in the Leech Hunter mini-game will give you bonuses to use in the game. Here are the rankings and what they will give you:
E (1-29): Submachine gun bullets
D (90-99): Magnum
C (60-89): Hunting Gun
B (30-59): Handgun
A (100): All weapons
Unlock Leech Hunter Game:
To unlock a special Leech Hunter game, beat the game on either Easy, Normal or Hard mode.