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Game: Zoo Tycoon
Cheats & Hints:

Unlock the Triceratops:
Name one of your exhibits "Cretaceous Corral." This will unlock the Triceratops.

Unlock the Unicorn:
Name one of your exhibits "Xanadu." This will unlock the Unicorn.

Double exhibit donations:
Name one of your exhibits "Microsoft."

More Cash:
Press Shift and the $ button for more money. Caution - it breaks your Exhibit fences.
Fun with Names:
Rename any guest the following:

Mr. Blue     Blue clothes/buildings

Mr. Brown     Brown clothes/buildings
Mr. Blonde     Yellow clothes/buildings
Mr. Orange     Orange clothes/buildings
Mr. Pink     Pink clothes/buildings
Mr. White     White clothes/buildings
Lou Catanzaro     All animal toys

Adam Levesque     All animal care buildings

Andrew Binder     All animal constructions

John Wheeler     All animal shelters

Alfred H     Birds fly and people freak out

Russell C     Fences all fall apart

Steve Serafino     All endangered animals
Hank Howie     All staff education research

Rosalie     All tour guides salaries to zero
Moneybags     Extra money every day
Zeta Psi     Sick guests
Stinky     Sick guests
rpro     Scared women
Boogyman     Scared children

Follow the Yellow Brick Road:
Place a lion, a tiger (any kind), and a bear (any kind) and you will unlock the Yellow Brick Road.

To make a baby animal of any species, build an exhibit. Go to the Adopt an Animal. In between the middle and the bottom you will see three golden symbols. Click on any species, then the circle with the arrow. Put two animals in the exhibit. Then click on the circle with the cross on it. Put two of that species in the exhibit. Then try to make that species really happy and you will get a baby.