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Game: Megaman Xtreme
Cheats & Hints:

Armor Locations

Head Armor:
In Storm Eagles page, you'll see a small, white tower on the way to the boss. On the opposite side from the one you're on, there will be some flammable things. Blow them to smithereens, then you go to the capsule.

Leg Armor:
This is so simple, while you're on the trail, you'll get to a wall that you bounce on go forward and voila!

Leg Upgrade:
Go to the frost penguin stage and simply go through the stage.You shall eventually find a capsule.

Head Upgrade:
On your way through the stage, you will find this big pole thing and climb over it. You will find a platform over the floor. On the platform, you will find some flammable canasters. Shoot them and go past.

Arm Upgrade:
Go to Spark mandrills stage and the second time there is a blackout, look at the ceiling. Keep your eyes on the ceiling and you'll eventually find a weird part on it. Use your jump to get under it and break through it and go through.

Armor Upgrade:
Go to the fireantler guys stage and after you get chased by the lava, you'll find a ladder. Go to the cliff on the same floor and dash-jump. You'll have to hold onto the forward button and you'll get to a platform with a capsule on it.

Zero One:
Go to the amored armadillo and at the last cart ride. You'll get hurled into the air. In the middle of the jump, jump off, holding onto the right button. Climb up the cliff and you'll find a capsule.

Zero Two:
On the crocodile's stage, go to the first wall to the right you find. If you have a leg upgrade, jump to the other side of the wall and you'll find a capsule.

Zero Four:
Go to the Magna centipede stage and the first time you'll get chased by a scanner, go to the area where the blocks falls on you and jump on the wall above you, then climb and you'll find a breakable ceiling. Break it and climb up.

Street-Fighter Skills:
To get the haduken and the flamming uppercut, go to the second last stage and you'll find spikes on the wall after you're second platform ride. There are two ways to get to the unaccesable ladder. Choose the armor (Armadillo's weapon) and use it's powered up form. jump on the wall and slide jump to the ladder. another way is to take to second platform up up the complex structure the second time you get to use it. when you do, avoid the spikes until you get to two walls and a free fall. slide down the left walla nd you'll eventually fall into it. then you'll see Dr.Light in some goofy street fighter clothes.