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Game: Resident Evil 4
Cheats & Hints:

Hint: Boss Fight
When you get back from the lake and come to the save/shop area go to the merchant, sell your shot ( if you have no room left) and buy the rocket launcher. You will be going up against a pretty big monster now. go out side and head for the church. A bunch of the possessed people will get massacred by this lord of the ring troll look-a-like and the battle will begin. go around and pick up all the items, get out your machine gun and start blasting away. the dog you saved from the trap earlier in the game will assist you. blast at the creature until a tentacle comes out of his back, he will bend down so shoot the tentacle. after repeating this several times equipped the rocket launcher and blast him down for the final time. The launcher disappears after you use it so go back and buy your shot gun back if you wish. now you can head back to the church and save ashley.....or do you?

Hint: Ammo
There is a sort of hint that helps you Rambo types. When you fight anyone with any type of gun, there is a 50% chance that when you hit there body you don't get any ammo or weapons, however there is a loop hole in the game. When you are being attacked by various village people etc. and you run low on ammo, make sure you aim straight for the head until you kill them. That's is when constantly you get ammo, yea so keep repeating the process until your gun is fully loaded, and make the game a little easier for yourself. (note: this worked on the first two stages and I am not sure if it somehow becomes harder to find, but this is a good start!!)

Conserve Ammo
Try to hit your enemy on the head or on their heart, this will save a lot of ammo through the game where it will get harder and need all the ammunition you can get.

Good Dog
When you see a dog stuck in a bear trap, save him. He will run away but he will help you out later in the game.

Bear Traps and C4 Evasion
To avoid Bear Traps, simply shoot the middle of the trap.
For Bombs, shoot the bombs themselves from a safe distance.

Snake in the Box
Sometimes when you destroy the wooden crates a snake will jump out and bite you. If you keep slashing with your knife when the box breaks you can kill the snake and receive a healing egg.

More Money for Beerstein and Elegant Mask
When you find these items do not sell them right away. You can increase the value of the items with gems.