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Game: Madagascar
Cheats & Hints:

Bird Flying mini-game:
When in level 3, go in the right subway entrance to find one of the arcade games.

The Banquet:
Go to the main lemur that is on the drum where all the food lies. Talk to him ten times in a row to earn food. Note: This can only be done two times.

Unlimited Items and bits:
This trick requires your main Digimon as player one and any Digimon as player two. Give all your Bits to player two. Then, save player two at the Save Keeper. Next, have player two give all Bits to player one. After that, have player two quit the game at the Save Keeper, but this time without saving. Then, go to Call Keeper and have player two join in again with the same Digimon. Repeat this from the beginning until you have 9,999,999 bits, both in the bank and pocket. You can also use this trick to duplicate items. This is very useful if you want to give some rare weapons and armor to a friend.